Well, today is my P-day, and the first time i've been able to use my email! So, the MTC is really cool, but we never have any free time! We get a little less than an hour at night of free time, and most of that is spent getting ready for bed and making sure I'm ready for the next day! And yes, I do like my companion! His name is Elder Strong from Harriman, UT. Elder Strong and I get along pretty well. And the answer to the third question is, probably, I won't be able to tell if I'm learning everything I need until I get out into the field!! But I'm pretty sure that I'm learning everything I need, the teachers here are really good and teach a lot of stuff I wouldn't have even thought of if they hadn't told me.
Oh some extra info, I don't leave for the mission field until February 13th. So it would be really nice if you told Elder Allred (Jake) that I will still be here when he gets here. Some other things, I brought Great-Grandpaps name through the Temple today. It was really cool. The Provo temple is super cool inside, even though it looks funny from the outside. Oh, also you guys should send me the adapt because I am absolutely exhausted every day until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon because we have to be up at 6:30 every day and we have to be in bed by 10:30 everyday, and I have been having trouble sleeping even with the Advil PM. Dad should also send one of his leathermans because I could have used one a couple times already.
So I should tell you about my District because everybody is super cool. First of all, there is Elder Bishop and Elder Furniss (JT) (they are our Zone leaders, and have been since Monday) They are the ones that are sharing a 'residency' with Elder Strong and I. We have actually been getting along really well. Elder Bishop reminds me a lot of Taylor Wilson, he really fun to be around. Elder Furniss is actually really fun. I actually regret what I said about him before I left. Since we have been here, I have really come to love him, even though he is different. He brings a lot of comedy to everything he does, its really awesome! Next is Elder Toombs, Elder Campbell, and Elder Hatch. They are a 'tripanionship', or at least until today, today we got a new missionary in our district and apparently he is Elder Toombs companion now. So Elder Toombs is our District Leader, and he is really good at what he does, to be honest, he really reminds me of Buzz Lightyear (without the misconception of being a Space Ranger) Elder Campbell is pretty awesome, he is just really fun to be around. Elder Hatch is a super good drummer, and is a really good singer. Next are the Sisters. All of them are absolutely amazing!!! They have such a good Spirit and are really fun to be around!! Sister McDougall and Sister Allen are really funny, they actually knew each other before they got here and are super good friends. Sister Drake and Sister Rasband are a really good companionship, Sister Drake is really bouncy and loud and loves to talk, Sister Rasband is kinda quiet (not shy) and says the funniest things! She is super sarcastic and I love it! But in all, I have the coolest District and everybody in it is super spiritual and really good people. Oh, and I don't know if I told you in my letter or not, but Elder Strong and I are the Sacrament Coordinator, which means we have no responsiblilities (except on Sunday) and we can claim to be super awesome, I have a lot of fun with it.
So I have a super cool story to tell everybody. At the MTC they have this thing called TRC (I dont know what it stands for) and its when actors (super good ones who are both members and non-members) pretend to be investigators and we teach them. So Elder Strong and I got Daniel Limon (Ya, its really Limon) and we were about to go teach him, and we were told that Sister Drake was going to teach with us because her investigator was sick and couldn't meet with them. So we got to the room we were supposed to meet him at, and he wasn't there! So we sat down, said a prayer, and waited. After we said a prayer, one of the teachers asked us what were doing, so we told him, and he asked if he was the guy in the lobby next to us (BTW we hadn't met him yet, so we did know what he looked like) so we went and talked to the guy, and it was him! So we started talking to him and the first thing he asked us was if this was a joke (which really threw us off!!!! oh, and this was a Member Referral) And we told him that it wasn't a joke and that we really were represenatives of Jesus Christ. And he told us that he was Catholic and didn't want to talk to anyone about Religion, he told us that he respected other religions, but he was happy were he was. Well, eventually we got him to let us into his 'house' and share a message with him. Well we started talking, and right off the bat, I could tell that he didn't like what we were saying... So by the time Elder Strong and I had finished talking, he actually asked us to leave and not to come back, which really sucked. But Sister Drake (And more importantly, the Spirit) had a different idea! (Sister Drake hadn't really said anything yet) She started talking to him and told him how much she already loved him and how much she loved her family and how sad she felt for him and how his Mother and brother had died, and how she was so happy that she could see them again! After a short silence, Daniel told Sister Drake (and us) that he really didn't want to see his brother again because he beat him and a child, and he used to be terrified of him. Sister Drake then told him that she was the oldest sibling and that sometimes she wasn't the best person to her younger siblings, and how she felt sooo bad about that! And then she promised him that his brother felt horrible and all he wanted to do was say sorry to him. Then Daniel started crying! and said "But it's too late..." And then I finally said something useful "It's not too late, Daniel" And Sister Drake agreed with me. But then Daniel said he really needed to do something, but to come back whenever we could! So moral of this story is, Sister Missionaries are absolutely amazing and I would encourage the girls at home that they should go because there are some people who only connect to the Sisters!
so ya, I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Lemmon