Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

Dear Mother,

So first of all, I just want you to know that our P-Day was today, not monday this week. I don't know if you know that or not. The reason being is because we had our Temple day today. That was super awesome, the Columbus Temple is absolutely beautiful, if not a little on the small side. I was able to do a session for some Sister's family, that was pretty cool!
So this last week and a half, I have done a lot of stuff! But most of it was tracting and contacting, and that just doesn't work well at all here. But we did start talking to a Less Active family, and hopefully we will have them reactivated in just a little while. The main reason they are less active is because the wife has some type of stomoch/esophagus disease that has prevented them from coming. But we are also working with this families granddaughter. She is 9 and wants to get baptized. But her parents got offended a while ago and now they won't let her be baptized. We haven't even been able to talk to them yet, so hopefully sometime within the next week or so we will get in and be able to talk to them.
So ya, thats the most exciting thing that has happened this week besides the Temple! Well, I guess if you include 'Green Beer Day' then thats been pretty exciting..... That is actually today.. It's been really.... fun...... ya...... We aren't getting much finding done tonight I'm assuming.... So ya, thats Oxford, OH for you. It's super cool!
-Elder Lemmon

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